Singapore Permanent Residence renewal

$ 1,200.00

The personal circumstances of applicants for PR renewal may also affect their applications. Issues such as a poor credit history, financial problems, family conflicts, etc., could lead to a rejection of the application. Additionally, if the applicant has performed poorly in Singapore or has a criminal record, it may negatively impact their PR application. Therefore, PR renewal applicants need to be mindful of their personal circumstances and avoid any issues during the application process.

In summary, the difficulty of renewing PR in Singapore is increasing. Applicants need to meet various criteria, including financial, employment, and personal circumstances. Furthermore, changes in Singapore’s immigration policies and the job market could also affect applications. Therefore, PR applicants should have a deep understanding of immigration policies and the job market, and strive to meet government standards as much as possible to increase their chances of PR approval.

This price:

  1. Includes application service fees.
  2. Excludes government fees such as application fees.

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